Monday, April 21, 2008

Lets Get Ready To Rummmmbbllleeee!!!

Most of you have figured out by now that I am not a church going guy. I have a natural tendency to avoid church at any expense. This morning on my way to work, something occurred that made me reconsider my lack of "churchly"involvement

My morning commute was like all others prior. Frankly it was boring and uneventful. That was until I saw this sign in front of the Wayside United Methodist Church. At first I couldn't believe what I had read. I nearly locked up the breaks on my powder blue shit box commuter. I quickly flipped a u-turn and discovered that I had in fact read the sign correctly.

Let me begin by singing accolades to the Reverend Johnson. You my friend are a marketing genius. I actually began counting on my fingers to see if I could fit in the early mass during football season.

The stop and photo-op had me running late. I hopped in the shit box and headed to work. Now, the remainder of my commute had my mind really processing this holy rolling wrestling league. And it occurred to me that this could be fucking anything. My attendance could vary greatly depending on what kind of fist-o-cuffs was taking place.

Hell, I'd stay home and watch the fishing channel if this is whats going on.

This might get me there for a week. . . . maybe two if they had beer.

Now this would be cool. I'd give up any Raiders game to see this!!! This is fucking Hilarious!!!

O.K. getting better. No beer required. I'd make it every week that the Bears play in the afternoon.

Fuck football. I have TIVO!!! "Honey have you seen my Bible?"

7 Beer Farts:

The [Cherry] Ride said...

Thought you might like this, then. Hours of entertainment:

C... said...

The last time I paid attention to one of those signs, it read: here comes trouble. I get that a lot from male bosses or friends. Now I have graduated to God pointing it out.

Jake Titus said...

Cherry: these folks crack me up.

C: I hope your church is as fun as rev Johnson.

The Bizza said...

The last image is enticing, but the only way I'd go is if the nuns were battling in their habits.

I'm kinky like that, I guess.

Doug said...

Do you smell what the Holy Ghost is cookin'?

Egad. Wrestling and church: Two things I shouldn't be commenting on.

Jake Titus said...

Bizza: They were wearing them in an earlier shot. Guess they got knocked off pretty quickly.

Doug: Nice Rock ref. I could just picture the rev. ripping his robe off and shouting that. BTW commenting on wrestling or church can be tough...but commenting on wrestling IN can you pass that up?

Jake Titus said...

Bizza: They were wearing them in an earlier shot. Guess they got knocked off pretty quickly.

Doug: Nice Rock ref. I could just picture the rev. ripping his robe off and shouting that. BTW commenting on wrestling or church can be tough...but commenting on wrestling IN can you pass that up?