Friday, January 25, 2008


Writing is something that I really enjoy. I have tried to write; on and off, for many years. But being a consistent writer has proven to be difficult. I often times don't know what to write or how I should write. What is my voice or passion? Where do I start? What do I know? Am I full of shit? Recently I discovered that A friend from the past had a blog. I have enjoyed just lurking, reading, and following what has been going on in his life. It occurred to me that having a blog would be a great format to get my writing off of the ground. But alas I am still faced with the same questions of what, when, why, how, etc. . . So I have been reading a creative writing book that takes you through daily steps and lessons to harness the writer that apparently resides in all of us. It helps. I know that I still have a lot to learn, but it's a start. I feel that as long as I can post/write at least five to six times per week, I'm bound to get better.

2 Beer Farts:

jenji said...


Thanks for visiting my blog.

Sometimes people find it difficult to write because they find themselves imagining what it is they think other people want to read/hear; what might or might not be interesting for others. It's a well-known roadblock for the creative writer.

I have a post-it note on the side of my monitor that says "perfection creates impotence," because sometimes I still fall into the cyclic habits of the dreaded illusionary expectation, whether it's a right-brained piece or a left-brained piece, I can easily exhaust myself perfecting the tiny details.

Unfortunately, I haven't the time as of late to devote to blogging, but if you need to buy a paper and/or thesis, I'm your girl.

Usually the expectations are my own, yet often it's my projected expectations about others expectations. You can end up chasing your tail after awhile.

I rarely fall into this trap anymore, but every now and then it rears its obnoxious head.

It's a great idea to look into creative writing books.

Good luck!

be well,

Jake Titus said...

Thanks for the input. "Cyclic habits of the dreaded illusionary expectation."; well put and I can relate. Each day I'm finding more joy writing for the sake of writing. Yet I still fall into that trap of wondering if people will read my crap. I'll try and shut that voice down and keep writing for me.
Thanks again